Friday, June 26, 2009


It finally happened this week. I had to resort to wearing scrubs at work. Little Eve has just been growing fast and is practicing karate kicks. She's going to be an active little girl but hopefully will learn quickly to sleep throughout the night.

I still feel good with an occasional fruit craving but otherwise feel like my usual self. My total weight gain according to the doctor's scale is 7 pounds so far but our scale only says 4. Hopefully she won't want to grow too fast and cause some stretch marks. :O

Even though I didn't have to (I'm only 34) I did the AFP screening and came out positive for the Down Syndrome marker. So Jeff and I saw a genetic counselor on June 12th. Our chances of having a DS child is 1 in 68 - less than 2%. The U/S was normal except for a small white dot in her heart - an EIF (echogenic intracardiac focus). The EIF is usually an incidental finding which goes away later but with being positive for DS it makes the 2% a little more likely.

But I was not going to let them put a needle in my belly for them to confirm that so we put that aside and aren't going to worry about it especially since we don't have genetic problems in our families.

We did get an U/S done with one picture in 3D. I think she has Jeff's nose. :)


  1. now thats a better US pic! Congrats on the lil girl! I will keep my fingers crossed for a healthy lil Girl! miss you guys!

  2. So excited for both of you and can't wait to meet the new little Dumont!
    It's wonderful that you have had an uneventful pregnancy -Brandi needs to rub your belly or something before she gets preggers the next time - haha!
    Love to all three of you!
