Saturday, March 13, 2010


Little Eve has been an angel. She is so close to rolling over and has started to laugh when being tickled. Peek-a-boo isn't too funny yet. She has been a good girl for daddy when taking care of her while mom goes to work on Saturdays. It's been a good change to work again - only 2 days a month for now.

The baptism was nice but it would have been nicer if I could concentrate on what the deacon was saying. It was Eve's nap time and she was crying most of the time. It was when the holy water was being poured on her that she smiled then fell asleep.

She loves to be dressed up and we can't wait until Lacey and Dan's wedding. :)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Eve Christiane Dumont

On October 17th, little Eve was born at 0040 weighing 5 pounds 11 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long. After having an NST and being advised to get induced on the 16th for borderline low fluids, I first went out to eat lunch at BJs with Jeff and my in-laws. ;) I heard stories of not being able to eat after being admitted to the hospital but my doctor actually did end up giving me dinner.

We ended up at the Ventura County Medical Center around 130pm and had the pitosin started around 3pm. Initially at 2cm and only progressing to 3cm at 11pm, I had my bag ruptured by the doctor at 1130pm. That's when it all started. Eve was free to exit the womb. After one short-lived dose of fentanyl and about 10 pushes later, Eve was out.

Jeff did really good. He tried to help count with me during contractions but it didn't work out. He got to cut the cord and has been an awesome dad. Surprisingly he hasn't gagged when changing her poopy diapers.

Today Eve is already one month old. She has been breastfeeding well and at her 2 week visit she weighed 6 pounds 4 ounces. She's our little angel. :-)

Friday, June 26, 2009


It finally happened this week. I had to resort to wearing scrubs at work. Little Eve has just been growing fast and is practicing karate kicks. She's going to be an active little girl but hopefully will learn quickly to sleep throughout the night.

I still feel good with an occasional fruit craving but otherwise feel like my usual self. My total weight gain according to the doctor's scale is 7 pounds so far but our scale only says 4. Hopefully she won't want to grow too fast and cause some stretch marks. :O

Even though I didn't have to (I'm only 34) I did the AFP screening and came out positive for the Down Syndrome marker. So Jeff and I saw a genetic counselor on June 12th. Our chances of having a DS child is 1 in 68 - less than 2%. The U/S was normal except for a small white dot in her heart - an EIF (echogenic intracardiac focus). The EIF is usually an incidental finding which goes away later but with being positive for DS it makes the 2% a little more likely.

But I was not going to let them put a needle in my belly for them to confirm that so we put that aside and aren't going to worry about it especially since we don't have genetic problems in our families.

We did get an U/S done with one picture in 3D. I think she has Jeff's nose. :)

Monday, June 1, 2009

First Ultrasound

In early February we decided to go ahead and start adding to the Dumont family tree. We didn't realize the branch would start budding so quickly. We didn't want to check too early but waited a couple of weeks more before testing and sure enough I was pregnant. Jeff's parents were the first to be told the good news. I called and left a message not knowing that Jeff beat me to it. They were very excited. My sister Irene was also very happy that her three children would be getting a cousin ... and that she would be an auntie.

It was smooth sailing the first 3 months with only a huge craving for fruit. All of this just seemed unreal until the ultrasound when I first got to see the little swimming baby inside me. My belly hadn't grown until the end of May which I attributed to bloating but everyone else at work knew it was the baby growing. Well it's true. I have gained 2 pounds and am definitely getting bigger. I'll have to find my scrubs to wear to work. :)

Baby Crossing Legs

Baby's arm